Capital Improvements Committee

The committee’s charge is to coordinate and fund capital improvement projects which make the best use of limited public dollars. Annually the Capital Improvement Committee (CIC) will develop a list of capital expenditures for the township, in the form of a Capital Improvement Plan and forward it to the Township Board for adoption.

Sewer & Water

The CIC will consider water and sewer improvements, develop the water and sewer long-range capital improvement plan, and hear appeals. The CIC will review proposed sewer and water rate increases, policy changes, and ordinance amendments. After completing their review, recommendations will be presented to the Township Board.


The upkeep of the local and primary roads is the responsibility of the Kalamazoo County Road Commission. However, the Township has authority to assist in the upkeep and maintenance of these roads. In addition, the oversight and control of the road rights-of-way, to deal with utilities, as well as traffic issues (including truck routes), rests with the Township.

The CIC will review the condition of the local roads, and after conferring with the Kalamazoo County Road Commission, make recommendations for needed improvements as funding is available.

The funding for these road projects comes from the following sources: The Kalamazoo County Road Commission receives Act 51 monies to maintain all the roads in the County. The Kalamazoo County Road Commission provides matching funds to assist with certain local road projects. The Township receives no direct state or local funding, and, therefore, uses General Fund monies and special assessments from property owners to support local road projects.

Sidewalk & Trail

The CIC will work to prioritize and implement the “Non-Motorized Facilities Plan”. If considered a trail, the CIC will work with the Parks Committee to implement the project.